312 research outputs found

    Desain Ilustrasi Tokoh Suryaputra Karna Mahabharata

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    The positive values of life are embodied in culture and literary works that contain life values and also knowledge that has an influence on human life until now. Mahabharata is one of two ancient literary works originating from India, apart from Ramayana, as for several versions of this Mahabharata story. Mahabharata tells the story of the conflicts of the five Pandavas with Pandawa cousins namely 100 Kauravas, regarding the dispute over the rights of the Hasstinapura court government. Suryaputra Karna is one of the knights in the Mahabharata story and plays an important role in the storyline. The meaning of life that can be taken very much in the journey of life Karna, this design describes the meaning of heroism owned by Suryaputra Karna in the Mahabharata story. The conclusion obtained from this design, tells Karna's journey through many trials, slanders, and others that ultimately show the value of the character owned by Karna as an antagonist who can become a better figure and save or solve existing problems. The importance of the purpose of this design aims to preserve Karna characters and folklore that can be adapted into other media and can be easily accepted by teenagers today. Nilai positif kehidupan terkandung dalam budaya dan karya sastra yang mengandung nilai kehidupan dan juga ilmu pengetahuan yang berpengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia hingga saat ini. Mahabharata merupakan salah satu dari dua karya sastra kuno yang berasal dari India, selain dari Ramayana, adapun beberapa versi dari cerita Mahabharata ini. Mahabharata menceritakan kisah konflik para Pandawa lima dengan saudara sepupu Pandawa yaitu 100 Korawa, mengenai sengketa hak pemerintahan istana Hasstinapura. Suryaputra Karna adalah salah satu kesatria yang ada di dalam cerita Mahabharata dan berperan penting terhadap jalan ceritanya. Makna kehidupan yang dapat diambil sangatlah banyak di dalam perjalanan hidup Karna, perancangan ini mendeskripsikan makna kepahlawanan yang dimiliki oleh Suryaputra Karna di dalam cerita Mahabharata. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari perancangan ini, menceritakan perjalanan Karna yang melalui banyak cobaan, fitnah, dan lainnya yang pada akhirnya memperlihatkan nilai tokoh yang dimiliki Karna sebagai antagonis yang dapat menjadi tokoh yang lebih baik dan menyelamatkan atau menyelesaikan masalah yang ada. Pentingnya tujuan perancangan ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan tokoh Karna dan cerita rakyat yang dapat diadaptasi menjadi media lainnya dan dapat mudah diterima oleh kalangan remaja saat ini.&nbsp


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    Cobalt dioxolene complexes undergoing photoinduced valence tautomerism (VT) are potential candidates for molecular electronic devices. Thermal or photoinduced electron transfer between a dioxolene ligand and the metal center reversibly switch the complex between a paramagnetic or diamagnetic species. A low-spin CoII^{II} intermediate is believed to be involved in the photogeneration of the paramagnetic state from the diamagnetic state, but has not been spectroscopically observed yet. Our group has developed a tabletop M-edge XANES spectrometer which generates femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses via high-harmonic generation (HHG). M-edge spectroscopy has been shown to be sensitive to changes in oxidation state, spin state and/or ligand field changes at metal centers, and the spectra can be predicted using ligand field multiplet theory. In this work, we will present temperature dependent and time-resolved spectra of a cobalt dioxolene VT compound and highlight the ultrafast electron transfer and spin state changes. The theoretical tools developed to predict and interpret the M-edge spectra of metal-centered excited states will also be discussed. This work demonstrates that HHG-based XUV absorption spectroscopy is an accessible alternative to synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy for elucidating the electronic structure and photoinduced dynamics of transition metal complexes

    Many Roads to Synchrony: Natural Time Scales and Their Algorithms

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    We consider two important time scales---the Markov and cryptic orders---that monitor how an observer synchronizes to a finitary stochastic process. We show how to compute these orders exactly and that they are most efficiently calculated from the epsilon-machine, a process's minimal unifilar model. Surprisingly, though the Markov order is a basic concept from stochastic process theory, it is not a probabilistic property of a process. Rather, it is a topological property and, moreover, it is not computable from any finite-state model other than the epsilon-machine. Via an exhaustive survey, we close by demonstrating that infinite Markov and infinite cryptic orders are a dominant feature in the space of finite-memory processes. We draw out the roles played in statistical mechanical spin systems by these two complementary length scales.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures: http://cse.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/kro.htm. Santa Fe Institute Working Paper 10-11-02

    Assessing the Viability of a Small Micro-Enterprise of an Urban Farming Group in Bausasran Village, Yogyakarta, in Developing a Vegetable-based Noodle Products

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    Gemah Ripah Farmer Group, located in Bausasran Village, Danurejan District, Yogyakarta City, is one of the small farmer groups that have successfully practiced urban farming. The group grows vegetables and fruits. The harvest is then sold directly to consumers or distributors. To increase the economic value, the group plans to start a small micro-scale dry noodle product business by utilizing their cultivation results. In business planning, an economic feasibility analysis is required. This study aims to determine the business feasibility with the indicators of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP), and Added value analysis with Hayami Method. This study simulates two business scenarios for dry noodle production, namely own production and third-party production with three variables of production capacity analyzed, namely 760, 950, and 1140 units/month. The results of this study show that self production scenario with a production capacity of 1140 pieces/month produces a higher level of feasibility with a value of NPV, IRR and payback period of IDR 42,038,344, 59% and 1.88 years respectively. Value-added analysis provides added value in the self-production scenario of IDR 55,527/kg at the production rate of 1140 units/month

    StraboSpot data system for structural geology

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.StraboSpot is a geologic data system that allows researchers to digitally collect, store, and share both field and laboratory data. StraboSpot is based on how geologists actually work to collect field data; although initially developed for the structural geology research community, the approach is easily extensible to other disciplines. The data system uses two main concepts to organize data: spots and tags. A spot is any observation that characterizes a specific area, a concept applicable at any spatial scale from regional to microscopic. Spots are related in a purely spatial manner, and consequently, one spot can enclose multiple other spots that themselves contain other spots. In contrast, tags provide conceptual grouping of spots, allowing linkages between spots that are independent of their spatial position. The StraboSpot data system uses a graph database, rather than a relational database approach, to increase flexibility and to track geologically complex relationships. StraboSpot operates on two different platform types: (1) a fieldbased application that runs on iOS and Android mobile devices, which can function in either Internet-connected or disconnected environments; and (2) a web application that runs only in Internet-connected settings. We are presently engaged in incorporating microstructural data into StraboSpot, as well as expanding to include additional field-based (sedimentology, petrology) and lab-based (experimental rock deformation) data. The StraboSpot database will be linked to other existing and future databases in order to provide integration with other digital efforts in the geological sciences and allow researchers to do types of science that were not possible without easy access to digital data

    An experimental study of dynamic behaviour of graphite polycarbonatediol polyurethane composites for protective coatings

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    Segmented polycarbonatediol polyurethane (PUPH) has been synthesized and modified with different amounts of graphite conductive filler (from 0 to 50 wt%). Thermal and dynamical thermal analysis of the composites clearly indicates changes in the polyurethane relaxations upon addition of graphite. Broadband dielectric spectroscopy has been used to study the dielectric properties of the (PUPH) and one composite in the frequency range from 10−2 to 107 Hz and in the temperature window of −140 to 170 ◦C. Relaxation processes associated with different molecular motions and conductivity phenomena (Maxwell–Wagner–Sillars and electrode polarization) are discussed and related to the graphite contentWe acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Finances and Competitiveness through the Grant CDS2010-0044 belonging to the "Consolider-Ingenio Programme" and for the Grant MAT2012-33483. The authors thank UBE Chem Eur for the PCD supply for this work.Gómez, C.; Culebras, M.; Cantarero Saez, A.; Redondo Foj, MB.; Ortiz Serna, MP.; Carsí Rosique, M.; Sanchis Sánchez, MJ. (2013). An experimental study of dynamic behaviour of graphite polycarbonatediol polyurethane composites for protective coatings. Applied Surface Science. 275:295-302. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.12.108S29530227

    Earthworms and mesofauna from an isolated, alkaline chemical waste site in Northwest England

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    Post-industrial sites across Europe may have developed over periods in excess of a century, often leading to poor nutrient soils with noxious constituents and extreme pH values. One such site, Nob End (Bolton, UK), a toxic tip created in the 1800s from a sodium carbonate factory, represents an “island of alkalinity in an acidic sea” where the weathering process (from pH 12) has provided a suitable environment for a rich alkali-loving flora and hence, deserving its designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Despite their importance, the belowground communities have not been investigated and for this reason, in this study, we explored how soil macro- and mesofauna communities respond to extreme pH values in a system that has also experienced recent changes in management practices. As expected, earthworms, mites, insects and woodlice numbers were significantly higher and the community diversity enriched at the (now pH 8) alkaline sites, whereas in areas where acidic boiler waste was historically deposited, enchytraeids, collembolans and dipteran larvae populations dominated the soil communities. Surprisingly, site management (cutting back of scrub) in the alkaline soil areas had a significant positive effect on soil macro-fauna by promoting numbers and biomass, but severely reduced the microarthropod populations. A transect investigation across an increasing pH gradient (from 4.5 to 8.0) was mirrored by a rise in earthworm numbers and species richness. Earthworms were further investigated surrounding the site, seeking potential sources of colonisation, with the majority of species at Nob End also present in adjacent non-industrially-influenced areas. This work demonstrates that soil fauna can ultimately colonise extreme edaphic conditions and these extreme environments have not prompted the development of specific faunal communities. As management of above-ground communities significantly influenced soil invertebrate communities, this could represent an important restoration practice to improve soil structure and fertility at this polluted site